This training is a foundational blog and is designed to complement the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender Mainstreaming Guide and associated IASC guidelines, including the Gender-Based Violence Response Guidelines. sex in humanitarian and other situations. The IASC is made up of 21 humanitarian associations and is the primary humanitarian forum to facilitate coordination, policy development, and decision-making in response to complex emergencies and natural disasters. The Resources section provides links to all IASC agencies.
This learning blog aims to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of gender mainstreaming and gender analysis.
This self-directed blog provides the basic steps a humanitarian worker must take to ensure gender equality in programming. The course includes information on the core issues of gender and how it relates to other aspects of humanitarian response, including camp management and coordination, education, food issues, gender-based violence, health, livelihoods, non-food items, protection, shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene. Watch the 3-minute trailer for the blog: